What to Do When Kitchen Sink Won’T Drain

Melvin is an expert for portable products.The site is for sharing everything about portable products for online buyers.

To fix a kitchen sink that won’t drain, start by using a plunger or pouring boiling water down the drain. If the problem persists, try using a plumber’s snake or removing the trap to clear any clogs.

Clogged Drainpipes

If your kitchen sink won’t drain, there are a few possible causes. One common issue is the accumulation of grease and food particles in the drainpipes. Over time, these substances can build up and create a blockage. To address this problem, you can try using a mixture of hot water and vinegar to dissolve the grease. Another cause of clogged drainpipes is soap residue and mineral deposits. These substances can accumulate on the walls of the pipes and reduce the flow of water. To tackle this issue, you can use a drain snake or a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to break down the residue and clear the blockage. Keeping your sink drain clean and clear of food scraps can also help prevent clogs. Regular maintenance and proper disposal of fats and oils can go a long way in keeping your kitchen sink draining smoothly.

Faulty P-trap

Dealing with a faulty P-trap is a common cause of kitchen sink drainage issues. The P-trap is a curved pipe beneath the sink that traps debris and prevents sewer gases from entering your home. If you notice leakage or disconnection in the P-trap, it can lead to blockages. Take the following steps to address the problem:

  1. Inspect: Check the P-trap for any signs of leakage or loosened connections.
  2. Tighten Connections: If you find any loose connections, use a wrench to tighten them securely.
  3. Replace: If the P-trap is damaged or beyond repair, consider replacing it with a new one. This will ensure proper drainage and prevent future blockages.

In some cases, you may want to consider an S-trap replacement as an alternative to the P-trap. An S-trap is similar but has a different shape, which may work better in certain situations.

Fixing a kitchen sink that won’t drain requires careful inspection, tight connection adjustments, and possible replacement of the P-trap or adoption of an S-trap for better drainage.

Issues With The Garbage Disposal

If your kitchen sink won’t drain, one of the potential culprits could be an issue with your garbage disposal. Overloading the garbage disposal with excessive kitchen scraps can lead to clogs in the kitchen sink. To resolve this problem, you can try unclogging the garbage disposal using an Allen wrench.

An Allen wrench is a handy tool that fits into the bottom of the disposal. First, ensure that the power to the disposal is turned off. Then, insert the wrench into the hole at the bottom of the disposal and try to rotate it back and forth to dislodge any obstructions.

If this method doesn’t work and your kitchen sink still won’t drain, it may be necessary to call a professional plumber to address the issue. They have the expertise and tools to diagnose and fix any more complex problems with your garbage disposal or plumbing system.

Gather Necessary Tools

When faced with a kitchen sink that won’t drain, it’s essential to have the right tools on hand to tackle the problem. These tools include a plunger, bucket, drain snake, and a pipe wrench.

A plunger is a handy tool to have as it can create the necessary suction to dislodge clogs in the sink drain. Be sure to choose a plunger specifically designed for sinks.

A bucket is necessary to catch any water or debris that might be ejected when attempting to repair the drain. This will help prevent any messes and keep the area clean.

A drain snake is a long, flexible auger that can reach deeper into the drain to remove any stubborn clogs. It can be inserted into the drain and rotated to break through the blockage.

A pipe wrench is useful for loosening and removing any pipes or fittings that may be causing the blockage. It provides the necessary leverage to disassemble the plumbing system if needed.

Try Using A Plunger

If your kitchen sink won’t drain, there are a few simple steps you can take to try and resolve the issue. One of the first things you can try is to use a plunger. Start by creating a seal over the drain with the plunger, ensuring that there is no air escaping. Then, plunge the sink vigorously up and down for a few minutes. This can help to dislodge any blockages and restore proper drainage.

Remove And Clean The P-trap

What to Do When Kitchen Sink Won’t Drain

Remove and clean the P-trap:

Place a bucket under the P-trap:
Unscrew and remove the P-trap:
Clean the trap thoroughly:

If your kitchen sink is not draining and you’ve already tried basic troubleshooting methods like plunging or using drain cleaners, it’s time to remove and clean the P-trap. To begin, place a bucket under the P-trap to collect any water or debris that may come out during the process. Then, carefully unscrew and remove the P-trap from the sink pipe. Once you have the P-trap removed, take the time to thoroughly clean out any build-up or clogs that may have accumulated. By doing this, you can effectively remove any blockages and restore proper drainage to your kitchen sink.

Use A Drain Snake

Use a drain snake

To tackle a kitchen sink that won’t drain, the first step is to use a drain snake. This handy tool is designed to break up and remove clogs from pipes. Start by inserting the snake into the drain, ensuring it goes as far down as possible. Rotate and push the snake to dislodge the clog, breaking it up into smaller pieces. Be careful not to apply too much force to avoid damaging the pipes. Once the blockage is loosened, flush the drain with hot water to help clear away any remaining debris. Hot water can help dissolve greasy residue, allowing it to flow freely down the drain. Repeat this process if necessary to fully restore the kitchen sink’s drainage.

What to Do When Kitchen Sink Won'T Drain

Credit: www.homeserve.com

Check And Fix The Garbage Disposal

If your kitchen sink won’t drain and you suspect that the problem lies with the garbage disposal unit, there are a few steps you can take to address the issue:

  • Disconnecting the power: Before doing anything else, make sure to turn off the power supply to the garbage disposal. This can typically be done by flipping the switch on the breaker box that controls the kitchen.
  • Checking and clearing any blockage: Use a flashlight to inspect the disposal unit and the drain pipe for any visible blockage. If you notice any debris or objects lodged in the unit, use a pair of tongs or pliers to carefully remove them.
  • Resetting the disposal unit: If there is no visible blockage, try resetting the garbage disposal. Look for a small red button underneath the unit and press it to reset the device.

By following these steps, you can troubleshoot and address common issues with a malfunctioning garbage disposal, helping your kitchen sink to drain properly again.

Avoid Pouring Oil And Grease Down The Drain

Do not pour oil and grease down the drain: Pouring oil and grease down the kitchen sink can lead to a clogged drain. Over time, these substances can solidify and accumulate, obstructing the flow of water. Furthermore, oil and grease can attract other debris, exacerbating the clogging problem. Instead, it is important to collect and dispose of kitchen grease properly to prevent drain issues.

Collect and dispose of kitchen grease properly: Rather than pouring it down the drain, collect kitchen grease in a container, such as an empty jar or can. Once the container is full, seal it tightly and dispose of it in the regular trash. Alternatively, many municipalities have recycling programs specifically designed for kitchen grease. These programs typically provide designated collection sites where you can drop off your grease for proper disposal or recycling.

Use Drain Strainers

When your kitchen sink won’t drain, there are a few simple steps you can take to address the issue. One of the first things you can do is use drain strainers. These strainers are designed to catch food particles, debris, and other solids before they go down the drain, preventing clogs from forming in the first place.

To install strainers in your kitchen sink drain, simply place them over the drain opening. Make sure the strainer fits properly and doesn’t allow any solids to pass through. It’s also important to empty and clean the strainer regularly to maintain its effectiveness. Simply remove the strainer, empty the collected particles into the trash, and rinse it thoroughly before putting it back in place.

Run Hot Water After Using The Sink

One common kitchen plumbing issue is a clogged sink. When faced with a sink that won’t drain, there are a few simple steps you can take to help resolve the problem. Running hot water after using the sink is a good starting point. This process allows hot water to flow through the pipes, helping to prevent clogs caused by solidifying grease or soap scum.

Regular Maintenance

html What to Do When Kitchen Sink Won’t Drain

Regular maintenance is essential to prevent and address kitchen sink drainage issues. Here are a couple of effective methods:

Flushing The Drain With Baking Soda And Vinegar Solution

One simple and natural way to clear a clogged kitchen sink drain is by using a baking soda and vinegar solution. Start by pouring boiling water down the drain to help loosen any residue. Then, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda into the drain, followed by pouring vinegar on top. The chemical reaction between these two ingredients will help break down any grease or grime. Allow the solution to sit for about 15 minutes before flushing the drain with hot water again. Repeat this process if necessary until the drain is clear and flowing smoothly.

Pouring Boiling Water To Clear Residue

If your kitchen sink is draining slowly due to residue buildup, a simple solution is to pour boiling water down the drain. The high temperature can help dissolve any accumulated fats or oils, allowing the water to flow freely. Be cautious when handling boiling water to avoid burns, and pour it directly down the drain in steady, continuous streams. Repeat this method periodically to prevent clogs and maintain a healthy, clear drain.

Frequently Asked Questions On What To Do When Kitchen Sink Won’t Drain

Why Is My Kitchen Sink Not Draining Properly?

If your kitchen sink is not draining properly, it could be due to a clog in the pipes caused by food debris, grease buildup, or foreign objects. It’s important to address this issue promptly to prevent further damage and potential plumbing emergencies.

How Can I Fix A Clogged Kitchen Sink Without Calling A Plumber?

There are a few methods you can try to fix a clogged kitchen sink without calling a plumber. You can use a plunger to try and dislodge the clog or try pouring boiling water down the drain. Another option is to use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar or a store-bought drain cleaner to break up the clog.

When Should I Consider Calling A Professional Plumber For A Clogged Kitchen Sink?

If the DIY methods mentioned earlier don’t work or if you’re dealing with a persistently clogged kitchen sink, it may be time to call a professional plumber. They have the expertise and tools necessary to effectively remove stubborn clogs and ensure your kitchen sink drains properly.


Dealing with a kitchen sink that won’t drain can be a frustrating situation. However, by following the steps outlined you can tackle the problem effectively. Remember to start with the simple fixes, such as using a plunger or a mixture of baking soda and vinegar.

If these methods don’t work, try removing the trap and clearing any clogs manually. And if all else fails, it may be time to call a professional plumber. Don’t let a clogged sink ruin your day – take action and get your kitchen back to normal.

Melvin is an expert for portable products.The site is for sharing everything about portable products for online buyers.