How Big is a 22 inch Monitor?

Melvin is an expert for portable products.The site is for sharing everything about portable products for online buyers.

When choosing a monitor size, there’s a lot to consider. The size of your monitor can greatly impact your viewing experience, whether you’re using it for work, entertainment, or gaming. One popular monitor size that often raises questions is the 22-inch monitor. In this article, we’ll explore the dimensions, area, and suitability of a 22-inch monitor for various tasks, including gaming. We’ll also touch upon a comparison with a slightly larger 24-inch monitor to help you make an informed decision.

Image by Deepak Rai from pexels

22 inch 16×9 display vs 24 inch 16×9 display

Stats22 inch 16×924 inch 16×9
Width19.17 inches (48.7 cm)20.92 inches (53.1 cm)
Height10.79 inches (27.4 cm)11.77 inches (29.9 cm)
Area206.81 inches² (1334.6 cm²)246.12 inches² (1587.7 cm²)
As a 4:3 Display17.98 inches (45.7 cm)19.61 inches (49.8 cm)
As a 16:9 Display22.00 inches (55.9 cm)24.00 inches (61.0 cm)
As a 2.35:1 Display20.84 inches (52.9 cm)22.73 inches (57.7 cm)

In Comparison:

Comparison22 inch 16×924 inch 16×9
Actual Aspect Ratios8.33% smaller diagonal, 15.97% smaller area9.09% larger diagonal, 19.01% larger area
As a 4:3 Display8.33% smaller diagonal, 15.97% smaller area9.09% larger diagonal, 19.01% larger area
As a 16:9 Display8.33% smaller diagonal, 15.97% smaller area9.09% larger diagonal, 19.01% larger area
As a 2.35:1 Display8.33% smaller diagonal, 15.97% smaller area9.09% larger diagonal, 19.01% larger area

Dimensions of a 22-Inch Monitor

Image by Tranmautritam from pexels

A 22-inch monitor typically has a width of around 19.17 inches (48.7 cm) and a height of around 10.79 inches (27.4 cm). These measurements refer to the dimensions of the actual screen, excluding the bezels and the stand. The slim profile of a 22-inch monitor makes it a practical choice for those with limited desk space.

Area of a 22-Inch Monitor

The total screen area of a 22-inch monitor is approximately 130.7 square inches (844.3 square cm). This measurement provides a clear picture of how much screen real estate you’ll have to work with, whether you’re browsing the web, watching videos, or immersing yourself in a gaming world.

How Many Centimeters is a 22-Inch Monitor?

A 22-inch monitor measures about 55.88 cm diagonally. This measurement is taken from one corner of the screen to the opposite corner.

22-Inch Monitor Dimensions in Inches: As mentioned earlier, the dimensions of a 22-inch monitor are roughly 19.17 inches in width and 10.79 inches in height. These measurements give you a better idea of the physical size of the monitor itself.

How Big is a 22-Inch Monitor for Gaming?

When it comes to gaming, a 22-inch monitor can provide a satisfying experience for many gamers. The screen size is adequate for most games, offering a balance between immersive visuals and space efficiency. It’s important to consider factors such as resolution and refresh rate alongside the monitor size for optimal gaming performance.

22-Inch Monitor Size Comparison

Comparing a 22-inch monitor with a slightly larger 24-inch monitor can help you gauge the differences in size. A 24-inch monitor generally has dimensions of around 20.91 inches in width and 11.74 inches in height. This means that a 24-inch monitor offers more screen real estate compared to a 22-inch one. However, personal preference and available space should also influence your decision.

Is a 22-Inch Monitor Good for Gaming?

Image by from pexels

Yes, a 22-inch monitor can be a good choice for gaming, especially for casual gamers or those with limited space. It provides an engaging gaming experience without overwhelming your field of vision. Keep in mind that higher resolutions and faster refresh rates can enhance your gaming enjoyment, regardless of the monitor size.

How Big is a 24-Inch Monitor?

A 24-inch monitor is slightly larger than a 22-inch monitor. It measures around 20.91 inches in width and 11.74 inches in height. The additional screen space can offer improved multitasking and a more immersive viewing experience, which can be especially beneficial for tasks like video editing and graphic design.


Choosing the right monitor size depends on your specific needs and preferences. A 22-inch monitor is a versatile option suitable for various tasks, including gaming. It strikes a balance between size and functionality, making it an excellent choice for individuals looking for a compact yet engaging viewing experience.

However, if you’re seeking a bit more screen real estate, a 24-inch monitor could be the way to go. Ultimately, the best choice depends on your usage requirements and the available space in your setup.

Melvin is an expert for portable products.The site is for sharing everything about portable products for online buyers.